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Your Dodger Superstitions

I know you have them... what are they? For example... whenever my dad takes my Mom to a game, they lose. He's got to start taking me more often!

Me... I have to have a Malt every game... usually around 6th inning. I don't think it does anything, but I love malts :)
Every time I go and the Dodgers score more runs than the other team, they win!
  • da-jas-rool
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Sometimes I wear my lucky tube socks the day before the game, then put them on my hands in the ninth inning. Works every time. I should start doing it more often, actually.
  • da-jas-rool
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One time I accidentally put one lucky tube sock with an unlucky one, and we got destroyed by the Rockies.
  • da-jas-rool
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Originally posted by Skids:
My number one baseball superstition is root for the Padres, weird right?

No, just pathetic. :)
  • da-jas-rool
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